Tuesday, April 14, 2009

In my opinion. I think #3 is good answer. If me and my teacher have misunderstandings. I will meet with her. Discuss our problem, and where we have mistake. We can find answers and we can setlle this problem and misuderstandings. Then we can solve there problems

Monday, April 13, 2009

superficial: skin-deep

many people have the superficial side

it is easier to assimilate rice than other food.
empathy:fellow feeling
she has empathy.
ethoncentrism:feel good about our country
as a chinese every body have ethnocentrism
alienation:away from
for us alienation from poison must.
we can not stereotype poem.


he is an optimistic person

Barriers: have difficult
I have a lot of English barriers

Friday, April 10, 2009

culture shock

Fist come America. All things are new for me. I found especially food and weather. I don’t like America food. Because America food no nutrition and all America food look like is same. So I just arrived a few days. I eat just few. Here’s weather is big different then China. Here the temperature here varies.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

i am........

hello everybody, my name is Liao, I am from China. I'm 18 years old. yes, I am young so I have a lot of things need to work on. my major is business managerplay football so I after my class I will with other Chinese people play togeter. I like football players's David Beckham. I like watch he's match. because it is excited. I will to watch David Beckham's match..